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Four things we learned at the IOIC Festival

Nottingham, July 2022: the scene of the annual conference hosted by the Institute of Internal Communications (IOIC).
Four of the Fresh client services team took two days out to attend, looking forward to learning new things and meeting new friends. So… was it worth it?

Here are our standout moments and things we learned

(scroll through our thoughts below)

Other things we loved about the Festival:
  • The huge amount of work by the IOIC team to make sure everything ran smoothly
  • Inspirational keynotes from Dan Sodergren and Christina Patterson
  • Two fantastic coaching opportunities, with Eleanor Tweddell on day one and Susan Lewes-Daley and Dom Walters on day two
  • Having a reason to take time away from our normal routines to be together (we’re a virtual team) and meet new friends
So, was it time well-spent? You bet it was! Because we also noticed that Fresh is doing all the right things in today’s challenging IC environment. It’s reassuring to know that our advice and work for clients meets or exceeds best practice.  🙂

About Fresh Communication

We’re an award-winning partnership of highly-skilled, digitally savvy creative thinkers and do-ers. We’re experts in employee communications and partner with you at whichever level is required – from creative strategy to practical delivery – to help you engage your leaders and employees.
We’re ALL about internal communications because we believe it’s at the heart of every successful business.
Want to know more? Let’s talk about how Fresh can help your business.